🐇 Ever found yourself lost in the endless depths of IT, Cybersecurity, and all things tech, only to realize that every answer leads to five more questions? Well, you’re in the right place!

📚 This wiki is the result of years of study, work, and an unhealthy obsession with understanding how things work (and how they break). From cybersecurity deep dives to IT troubleshooting tips, from obscure tech facts to fun hacks, this place has it all - carefully curated, tested, and obsessively refined as only a true compulsive perfectionist can do!

🐱‍👤 Whether you’re an aspiring hacker (the ethical kind, of course!), a sysadmin in distress, or just someone who loves a good IT rabbit hole, there’s something here for you. So, grab a coffee, disable that unnecessary service running in the background, and start exploring.

Curiosity welcomed. Sanity not required. 🚀




Active Directory

Network Services & Protocols

Red Teaming

Blue Teaming

Reporting & Common Legal Documents
